Hirens Boot 9.7Posted by: admin : Category: CD Tools, DVD Tools

This is a bootable CD used to scan your computer for various viruses and do other tasks while the computer isnt active. It will allow you to run hard drive tests, memory tests, virus and other malware scans, partition settings, file recovery, hardware stress testing (video card, processor, ram), MBR tools, BIOS and CMOS tools, NTFS tools, etc.

Full List of SoftwareHiren’s BootCD 9.7

All in One Bootable CD which has all these utilities
Partition ToolsPartition

Magic Pro 8.05Best software to partition hard drive
Acronis Disk Director Suite 9.0.554Popular disk management functions in a single suite
Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274Universal tool for partitions
Partition Commander 9.01

The safe way to partition your hard drive,with undo feature
Ranish Partition Manager 2.44a boot manager and hard disk partitioner.
The Partition Resizer 1.3.4move and resize your partitions in one step and more.
Smart Fdisk 2.05a simple harddisk partition manager.