PowerFolder is a software to synchronize, share, backup and access files. PowerFolder connects computers and allows to exchange all kind of data, which you want to sync or share between multiple computers. It automatically detects new or changed files and keeps all your computers in sync. All transfers are encypted and downloads from multiple sources are supported, also Powerfolder is only transferring the changed part of a file.
In one sentence: PowerFolder takes care of your data - Simple, secure and reliable.
PowerFolder automatically keeps files in sync between multiple computers, e.g. Documents, Photos, Videos, Music files, Downloads, Desktop or whatever your want.
Simply install the program on every computer, that should sync the files. After program startup use the wizard on the first computer to setup a new PowerFolder and invite/link other computers afterwards.
To grant other computers or users access to a PowerFolder simply send an secret invitation by email or via program.
Transfer modes control how and when the local directory is synced with the remote computers, e.g. automatic sync, backup (source/target) or manual sync.
No limitations
PowerFolder has no limitations in size or number of managed files or folders. There are also no limitations in transfers or in the number of members of a folder. You get free updates during your license period.
Maximum security: Encrypted transfers
Encryption (AES) and identity management (RSA) are the security features of PowerFolder Pro.
This offers a maximum protection from unauthorized access to your data (similar to SSL). When transferring data over the Internet this is highly recommended.
Identity management with public/private key mechanism (RSA) provides a secure mutalidentification of you and your friends.
Of course you can always setup PowerFolder Pro to communicate with our Basic version!
Works over Internet, LAN or in Intranets